V-King ES
V-King ES
V-King ES is a strenghtened version of the V-King – a compact, single-skin EN-B paraglider, created for both free and powered flying. It is ideal for training.
Its small dimensions when packed are an enormous asset while travelling.
Design and purpose
Simple preparation for launch, easy, pleasant take-off and flight at a relatively low trim speed mean that flying becomes accessible to everyone, and learning it is pure pleasure.
The main advantage of the V-King ES is its compactness, still allowing for decent performance and pleasant handling. It is perfect to take it on a long journey, because it does not take up much space in your luggage (precious thing in air travels).
V-King ES is the perfect complement to the suitcase paramotors, recently appearing on the market.
V-King ES belongs to the single-surface canopy class. There is fundamental difference between classic double skin and modern single skin canopies. All the launch, landing and steering techniques look a bit different. If you are an established paraglider pilot, you shouldn’t have any problems with adapting to the wealth of new possibilities brought to you by the V-King.
However, this doesn’t work both ways: if you started your paragliding experience with the single-skin gliders, be aware that you are not qualified to safely fly standard double-surface canopies.