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Join us for legendary paragliding trips with the GringoFly team! With us, you'll not only increase your flight time and improve your paragliding skills but, most importantly, experience the adventure of a lifetime!

The priority on our trips is, of course, paragliding, but visiting interesting places, meeting new people and cultures, and tasting local culinary specialties is also significant. The idea to create the GringoFly paragliding brand was born on a trip during our first winter escapade to Brazil at the beginning of 2016. Since then, we have organized this type of trip at least once a year. We strive to choose new destinations, discovering the most interesting corners of the paragliding world with you. Intensive learning and great fun are integral parts of all our trips!

To receive the latest information, please sign up for our newsletter. Enter your email address on the black bar at the bottom of the page.

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ul. Jana Styki 15
31-303 Kraków

+48 510 521 005


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