The “Anti-G” drag parachute is a safety device that allows safer spiral descents by reducing the G force in a spiral dive. This system is very simple to use and works with any type of glider.
To attach Anti—G to X-Rated 6, a special pocket has been designed, passing from right to left, with a karabiner inside used to attach the
bridle of the small drag chute. This pocket is at the bottom behind the seat; it is easy for the pilot to find as it is located just above the air inlets
on the side of the harness.
To properly use the drag parachute, simply open the zipper on the right or left (depending on which side you intend
to spiral), extract it, and deploy it before initiating the spiral.
The advantages of using it are a higher sink rate and up to a 40% reduction in G-Force.
You can descend in spiral and then disable the drag chute using the handle and land as normal with the Anti-G parachute deployed (butdisabled).
Otherwise, once exiting the spiral, you need to disable it and then put it back in its pocket and close the pocket zipper. At this point it is
ready to be used again.
To ensure correct use of the “Anti-G” parachute it is important that you carefully read and understand the instructions included in the parachute manual.
The “Anti-G” braking parachute is optional equipment and can be purchased separately